BAR Smog Inspector Online Test Prep | CL009


STI SMOG TECH INSTITUTE Study Guide for the California Smog License Inspector Exam The purpose of this study guide is to help you prepare for the California Smog License Inspector Exam.

This guide addresses current smog laws as they pertain to the professional Smog Inspector, as well as general knowledge of emission controls, functional and visual inspections, and testing procedures.

Rather than memorize information, the purpose of this guide is to help the Technician understand the procedures to follow to conduct a proper Smog Check and gain a deeper understanding of the Laws & Regulations of the State of California, as they pertain to the Smog Check Inspection Program.

Along with the correct answers to each question, this guide also offers detailed answers to the questions, along with references to the pertinent sections of the Smog Check Reference Guide (SCRG), the Smog Check Inspection Manual (SCIM), the Write it Right Guide, and the California Code of Regulations (CCR).

This study guide covers the following modules from the State exam:

• Operation of the EIS and OIS

• Vehicle Identification

• Visual Inspection

• Functional Testing

• Performing the Emissions Test

• Rules & Regulations

• Complying with Obligations to Customers

This material conforms to the latest editions of the California Smog Check Reference Guide (SCRG Rev. 2018), Smog Check Inspection Manual (SCIM Rev. 2017), Write it Right Guide, and state laws regarding the Smog Check program.